People, Words & Change celebrated International Literacy Day with the 9th annual Power of Words Breakfast. This annual event was held in the Unitarian Fellowship Hall at Heartwood House and was a resounding success!
Our dedicated emcee, CTV Ottawa Sports Director Terry Marcotte, led us through the morning’s events. The local and talented artist Floyd Hutchinson started us off with a relaxing jazz song to set the mood, followed by four of our current and inspiring learners who shared their “Now I Can!” success stories. Many tears were shed during these heartwarming speeches that remind us of why we do what we do at PWC. Our special guest, Canadian author Roy MacGregor, then kept us at the edge of our seats as he told the story of Clarence Brazier, a man who surpassed all the odds and learned how to read at the age of 93! We also had a very pleasant surprise when an award of recognition was presented to Dee Sullivan by the Honourable Goldie Ghamari, MPP Carleton, for all that PWC does in the Ottawa community. We ended the event with our breakfast raffle, which has grown since last year to include not only books but also a basket of delicious coffee and treats.
As always, we enjoyed a tasty hot breakfast buffet and had free books donated for all of the learners to take home, as well as magazines that were generously donated to us for all who attended.