How to Donate | Our Supporters
How to Donate
People, Words & Change accepts donations from individuals and corporations. As a registered non-profit charity, we are able to provide tax receipts, even if you donate anonymously.
If you would like to make a donation to support the improvement of the basic literacy skills of adults in our region, please donate to People, Words & Change today. We are also happy to accept cheques or cash donations. Please make cheques payable to: People, Words & Change. Include your mailing address so we can mail you a charitable receipt.
You can also contribute to People, Words & Change by designating us as the recipient of your donation to The United Way. Ask your canvasser to fill in our name and tax number: 131583783 RR 0001.
The United Way will acknowledge your donation and provide you with a tax-deductible receipt. PWC will not get any donor information from them. If you choose to help in this way, please drop us a line so we can thank you personally.
Our Supporters
People, Words & Change would like to thank the following organizations for their “in-kind” or financial support:
- Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (Employment Ontario)
- Rideau-Ottawa Valley Learning Network
- The Ottawa Public Library
- Community Foundation of Ottawa
“How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it!”
— George Ellison