People, Words & Change (PWC) believes in using social media in a way that informs, inspires and shows respect for people.
To ensure a professional online presence, PWC’s social media accounts will follow these procedures:
- No staff member or volunteer may create any kind of social media account in PWC’s name without approval from the Executive Director.
- Only people approved by PWC’s Executive Director may make social media postings on behalf of PWC.
- PWC’s Executive Director will ensure that all social media accounts have proper security and privacy controls.
- It is the responsibility of PWC’s Executive Director to ensure that all postings made by PWC are appropriate.
All social media postings by PWC will:
- Show respect for human dignity.
- Respect the spirit of the Ontario Human Rights Code.
- Respect PWC’s operating philosphy.
- Respect people’s privacy and confidentiality.
PWC considers the following types of postings by us or others on our Facebook page, Twitter account or other social media sites to be unacceptable:
- Defamatory or offensive postings, including swear words or verbal abuse.
- Postings that are racist or sexist in nature or are a violation of human rights.
- Postings that are against the spirit of the Ontario Human Rights Code.
- Postings that are politically partisan or sectarian in nature.
- Postings from external individuals or organizations that are intended to solicit business for an external individual or company.
- Spam comments.
- Such comments will be removed from our social media accounts.
- Repeat offenders will be warned and, if necessary, banned from our social media accounts.